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  • Writer's pictureMike - My Key Skills

Tired of feeling so tired?

In previous blog posts I've discussed how to get a better nights sleep. But what if you're getting enough sleep but still feeling fatigue?

Something that's coming up more and more in the research I've been carrying out is food intolerances. Food intolerance is a really common condition in the UK. It is estimated that 45% of the UK population suffers from food intolerance, with the most common types being lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and fructose intolerance. These intolerances can cause a variety of symptoms, one of the most common being fatigue.

Food intolerance can cause fatigue due to the way your body reacts to certain foods. When you consume food that your body is intolerant to, it can cause an inflammatory response in the body as the immune system tries to fight against the offending food. This response can lead to fatigue and a feeling of general lethargy.

In addition, food intolerance can also affect the absorption of nutrients from food. For example, lactose intolerance can lead to a reduced ability to absorb calcium which can cause fatigue and weakness over time. Similarly, gluten intolerance can cause malabsorption of nutrients which can also lead to fatigue and other symptoms.

An excellent way to test your intolerance to certain foods is to carry out on online tolerance test. Click link below or follow:

'Test Your Intolerance' are the UK's No.1 test provider and offer a wide variety of products to help you do this. These guys have helped over 1,000,000 people worldwide to be happier, healthier versions of themselves by offering clinically validated and complementary therapy tests. Their expert team can help you easily discover the cause of symptoms supported by 24/7 customer care and a Trusted Shops guarantee. Testing is easy and responses are provided within just 7 days of receipt of your sample with a no reaction money-back guarantee!

Try them out today and see for yourself.

It is important to note that fatigue can have many causes, and if you are experiencing persistent fatigue, it is important to see a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause.

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