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  • Writer's pictureMike - My Key Skills

Hitting the Snooze Button instead of Hitting Your Day?

Snooze button making you late? You're not alone. More and more of us are struggling to get out of bed and are opting to slam-dunk the snooze button instead of getting on with the day.

Hitting that button is not only harming your schedule but it could also be upsetting your body. The disruption can trigger a response that increases your blood pressure and heartbeat. Not the best way for our minds to begin the day.

There are a few strategies that you can use to beat the snooze button. One approach is to move your alarm clock or phone to a spot that's out of arm's reach, so that when it goes off in the morning, you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off. Trust me, this really works.

Another strategy is to set your alarm for a time that's less likely to make you hit snooze. For example, if you normally set your alarm for 6am, try setting it for 6:15am instead. This may give you the extra few minutes of rest that you need without tempting you to hit snooze.

Finally, you could try using an app that helps you gradually wake up by simulating a sunrise. This can help your body adjust to waking up naturally and make it easier to get out of bed.

Good luck! I hope you found this useful.

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